A modelling approach to explore some hypotheses of the failure of neuroprotective trials in ischemic stroke patients.
Ischemic stroke is the third cause of death in industrialised countries, but no satisfactory treatment is currently available. The hundreds of neuroprotective drugs developed to block the ischemic cascade gave very promising results in animal models but the clinical trials performed with these drugs showed no beneficial effects in stroke patients. Many hypotheses were advanced to explain this discrepancy, among which the morphological and functional differences between human and rodent brains. This discrepancy could be partly due to the differences in white matter and glial cell proportions between human and rodent brains. In order to test this hypothesis, we built a mathematical model of the main early pathophysiological mechanisms of stroke in rodent and in human brains. This model is a two-scale model and relies on a set of ordinary differential equations. We built two versions of this model (for human and rodent brains) differing in their white matter and glial cell proportions. Then, we carried out in silico experiments with various neuroprotective drugs. The simulation results obtained with a sodium channel blocker show that the proportion of penumbra recovery is much higher in rodent than in human brain and the results are similar with some other neuroprotective drugs tested during phase III trials. This in silico investigation suggests that the proportions of glial cells and white matter have an influence on neuroprotective drug efficacy. It reinforces the hypothesis that histological and morphological differences between rodent and human brains can partly explain the failure of these agents in clinical trials.