Fatou directions along the Julia set for endomorphisms of CP^k
Not much is known about the dynamics outside the support of the maximal entropy measure $\mu$ for holomorphic endomorphisms of $\mathbb{CP}^k$. In this article we study the structure of the dynamics on the Julia set, which is typically larger than $Supp(\mu)$. The Julia set is the support of the so-called Green current $T$, so it admits a natural filtration by the supports of the exterior powers of $T$. For $1\leq q \leq k$, let $J_q= Supp(T^q)$. We show that for a generic point of $J_q\setminus J_{q+1}$ there are at least $(k-q)$ "Fatou directions" in the tangent space. We also give estimates for the rate of expansion in directions transverse to the Fatou directions.