Towards Faster and Greener Cryptoprocessor for Eta Pairing on Supersingular Elliptic Curve over F_{2^{1223}}
At the CHES workshop last year, Ghosh et al. presented an FPGA based cryptoprocessor, which for the first time ever makes it possible to compute an eta pairing at the 128-bit security level in less than one milli-second. The high performance of their cryptoprocessor comes largely from the use of the Karatsuba method for field multiplication. In this article, for the same type of pairing we propose hybrid sequential/parallel multipliers based on the Toeplitz matrix-vector products and present some optimizations for the final exponentiation, resulting in high performance cryptoprocessors. On the same kind of FPGA devices, our cryptoprocessor performs pairing faster than that of \cite{ghosh} while requiring less hardware resources. We also present ASIC implementations and report that the three-way split multiplier based cryptoprocessor consumes less energy than the two-way.