Anthropogenic Emissions at the Global and Regional Scale during the Past Three Decades
The paper presents a comparison and evaluation of different emissions datasets concerning global and regional anthropogenic emissions, focusing on their trends over the 1980-2010 period. This period was chosen because most of the inventories currently available cover at least partially these three decades. We also consider different sets of future scenarios. The analysis considers the following species: methane, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, black carbon and organic carbon, ammonia, and total non-methane volatile organic compounds. In this analysis, we include total global emissions as well as emissions for several regions, i.e. Europe, the USA, Canada, South America, Africa, India, China and Oceania. When possible, the emissions provided by regional agencies are included. This analysis helps identifying the species and regions for which a high degree of consistency exists about emission levels and their trends during the past three decades. It will also demonstrate the species and regions for which large uncertainties remain.