Journal Articles Wave Motion Year : 2013

Apposition of the topological sensitivity and linear sampling approaches to inverse scattering


The focus of this study is the reconstruction of a penetrable obstacle in acoustic medium from the knowledge of incident time-harmonic waves and corresponding scattered fields. The problem is investigated by way of two competing approaches: the method of topological sensitivity and that of linear sampling, that have been successfully developed for a variety of physical settings (acoustic, electromagnetic, elastodynamic) as non-iterative tools for solving the inverse scattering problem. On adopting a particular scattering configuration -- plane waves impigning on a spherical obstacle -- that permits analytical treatment as the testing platform, a parallel is drawn between the two methods to evaluate their relative performance in reconstructing the obstacle from the scattered field data. For completeness, the comparison is made by considering a range of input parameters in terms of material properties of the scatterer, frequency of illuminating waves, and noise in the data.
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hal-00797649 , version 1 (07-03-2013)



Cédric Bellis, Marc Bonnet, B. B. Guzina. Apposition of the topological sensitivity and linear sampling approaches to inverse scattering. Wave Motion, 2013, 50, pp.891-908. ⟨10.1016/j.wavemoti.2013.02.013⟩. ⟨hal-00797649⟩
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