Indicator of feasibility for layout problems
Layout optimization problems deal with the search for an optimal spatial arrangement of components inside a container. Global performances of many engineering products and systems sharply depend on layout design. Because of the great complexity of most real-world layout applications, recent studies focus on the development of efficient optimization algorithms used to solve layout problems. These algorithms, which have to take into consideration multi-constraint and multi-objective optimization problems, aim to be generic to adapt to lots of layout problems. However, the solving of these layout problems is time consuming and designers know if an optimal solution is available for their problem at the end of the optimization process. Designer cannot know a priori if the layout problem can be solved. Then, this paper proposes a new indicator to assess the feasibility of layout problems. This indicator is based on the layout description of the problem and the formulation of designer's requirements. In particular, it takes into account the non-overlap constraints between layout components. It allows the designer to know if the layout problem can be solved before running the optimization algorithm. After defining the new indicator of feasibility, this paper tests it on a simple layout application.