Controlling enterprise context-based session policy and mapping it to mobile broadband policy rules
In this paper we propose a method of translating enterprise business objectives into service delivery policy rules in Mobile Broadband networks. This enables enterprises to control their own session policies for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) users and apply selective funding with prioritized service delivery. The proposed eBC (enterprise Business Context) Policy process uses internal corporate data to define session context attributes, which are evaluated against business policies to produce an eBC profile. This is used first to grant funding or defer the request to the user's carrier as "personal use". Funded requests are processed further to determine service authorization levels and session delivery profiles. Finally, these values are mapped to 3GPP PCC parameters. We examine the feasibility of enterprises controlling and conveying session policies in terms of routing and intercepting employees' requests, and in conveying policy information to carriers using standard interfaces and accepted 3GPP models, such as Sponsoring Data and Virtual Networks.