Journal Articles Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Year : 2014

Invariance principles for self-similar set-indexed random fields


For a stationary random field $(X_j)_{j\in\Z^d}$ and some measure m on $\R^d$, we consider the set-indexed weighted sum process $S_n(A)=\sum_{j\in\Z^d}m(nA\cap R_j)^\frac12 X_j$, where R_j is the unit cube with lower corner j. We establish a general invariance principle under a p-stability assumption on the X_j's and an entropy condition on the class of sets A. The limit processes are self-similar set-indexed Gaussian processes with continuous sample paths. Using Chentsov's type representations to choose appropriate measures m and particular sets A, we show that these limits can be Lévy (fractional) Brownian fields or (fractional) Brownian sheets.
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hal-00716437 , version 1 (10-07-2012)
hal-00716437 , version 2 (22-03-2013)


  • HAL Id : hal-00716437 , version 2


Hermine Biermé, Olivier Durieu. Invariance principles for self-similar set-indexed random fields. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2014, 366 (11), ⟨hal-00716437v2⟩
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