L'apport de recherches géomorphologiques et micromorphologiques récentes à l'archéologie des paysages de la Plaine de Caen (Calvados, Basse-Normandie)
Contribution of recent geomorphological and micrmorphological research to Landscape archaeology of the Plaine de Caen (Calvados, Lower-Normandy) The paper presents a reflexion conducted by a pluridisciplinary research program which focuses on Landscape archaeology of the Plaine de Caen from the Neolithic to the Merovingian period. This research is based on several technics of analysis in oder to restitute the differents stages of landscape history of Plaine de Caen and in oder to understand the mechanisms of this evolution. One of these technics interests particularly in relationship between the soils and the sedimentary transfers into bottom valley. For this, it use geomorphological and micromorphological analysis from silty soils localised inside and outside the archaeological sites, and from sediment deposits derived of these soils which are the colluvial and alluvial deposits. The comparaison of these results reveals several episods of soil degradation and inversely, several episods of landscape stability. The following confrontation of these results with the geoarchaeological studies which have been conducted in archaeological sites can propose for the first time a discussion about the triggering and the rythms of erosion soils from the plateau and deduction of their landscapes implications. They underline of the 1st millennium BC period in the landscape changes of the Plaine de Caen.