Strong specific hydroxide ion binding at the pristine oil/water and air/water interfaces
Despite claims, based largely on molecular dynamics simulations, that the surface of water at the air/water interface is acidic, with a positive charge, there is compelling experimental evidence that it is in fact basic, with a negative charge due to the specific adsorption of hydroxide ions. The oil/water interface behaves similarly. The pH dependence of the zeta potentials of oil drops has been measured by two very different techniques: on a single drop in a rotating electrophoresis cell and on about 1014 submicrometer drops in a 2 vol % emulsion by an electroacoustic method to give similar results with a sigmoidal pH dependence characterized by an isoelectric point at pH 2-3 and a half adsorption point about pH 5.5, or at 10-8,5 M hydroxide ion. This indicates that hydroxide ion is absorbed much more strongly than other anions. The pH dependence of a single N2 bubble has also been measured and has the same pH dependence, independently of whether HCl or HI is used to adjust the pH. These similarities between the pH dependences of the zeta potentials of air bubbles and oil drops, as well as those reported from streaming potentials on solid inert surfaces such as Teflon, indicate that water behaves similarly, with only subtle differences, at each of these low dielectric hydrophobic surfaces, with an isoelectric point of pH 2-4. In acidic solutions at pH's below the isoelectric point, the surface is indeed positive, consistent with spectroscopic observations of the adsorption of hydrogen ions.
Mots clés
Acidic solutions
Air bubbles
Air/Water Interfaces
Electroacoustic method
Electrophoresis cell
Experimental evidence
Hydrogen ions
Hydrophobic surfaces
Hydroxide ions
Inert surfaces
Iso-electric points
Low dielectric
Molecular dynamics simulations
Negative charge
Oil drops
Oil/water interfaces
PH dependence
Positive charges
Single drops
Specific adsorption
Streaming Potential
Submicrometers Engineering controlled terms: Cell membranes
Gas adsorption
Molecular dynamics
Surface chemistry
Zeta potential Engineering main heading: Phase interfaces