Spatial Data Infrastructure and ICZM: MIMEL Case study, France
The study "Geographic Information and Integrated Coastal Zone Management", conducted over a 2-year period, aimed to develop a Sea and Coast Interdepartmental GIS for two French regions. The purpose of this study, based on a survey, many interchanges and the organisation of workshops, was to analyse the organisational and functional conditions of use of geographic information among government departments within the framework of their assignments in coastal areas. As a result of the work carried out, an inventory of available geographic information was established, its owners and managers were identified, and a number of technical and methodological recommendations were determined in order to improve the acknowledgment of its availability, as well as the access and dissemination thereof, in accordance with the Aarhus and INSPIRE Conventions' Directives. Processed data were organised using standardised structuring and cataloguing. This organisation, enhanced with the teachings from practical applications related to maritime regulations and to the review of coastal sensitivity atlases, mainly stimulated partner interchange towards supplementing and improving their geomatics skills and, furthermore, their operational efficiency. The results obtained provide a firm basis in order to further develop the Sea and Coast Interdepartmental GIS.