DC up to 50GHz shielded interconnection for surface mount package
In this paper, we present the study of a wide bandwidth vertical shielded interconnection used as accesses for the packaging of high bandwidth MMICs. At first, we generate the microwave interconnection model and then optimize the elements to reach specified parameters. An electrical model of the interconnection has been done and helps to separate it in different propagation area. It has been observed that the existence of some discontinuities, which have a non-negligible impact on the microwave performances, must be considered during the matching network design of the interconnection. In order to optimize the structure topology, electromagnetic analysis of the interconnection has been done by the help of a 3D Solver based on the Finite Element Method. Then, we have done the characterization of a realized structure using low cost materials and a good correlation has been observed between simulated and measured results. The interconnection insertion losses are less than 1dB from DC to 44GHz and less than 3dB from DC to 52GHz with return losses less than -10dB. Finally, we introduced the investigation of a similar transition using HTCC (High Temperature Co-fired Technology).