Book Sections Year : 2008

La variation diatopique du français dans l'oeuvre littéraire d'Yves Viollier (Vendée)


In the field of contemporary French regional variation, this article presents an ongoing research project on the basis of a literary corpus, the rich works of the novelist Yves Viollier (West of France). After definitional and methodological considerations, the analysis of three sample variables (dail, noceur, attendre à) shall illustrate their nature as well as textual particularities in the literary context.
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hal-00658259 , version 1 (12-03-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-00658259 , version 1


Inka Wissner. La variation diatopique du français dans l'oeuvre littéraire d'Yves Viollier (Vendée). Mathieu Loiseau; Myriam Abouzaïd; Laurence Buson. Autour des langues et du langage : perspective pluridisciplinaire, Presses universitaires de Grenoble, pp.151-158, 2008, 978-2-7061-1427-4. ⟨hal-00658259⟩
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