Calculation of dissociating autoionizing states using the block diagonalization method: Application to N2H
We report the calculation of preliminary potential surfaces necessary to treat dissociative recombination (DR) of electrons with N2H+. We performed multi-reference, configuration interaction calculations with a large active space for N2H+ and N2H, using the GAMESS electronic structure code. Rydberg-valence coupling is strong in N2H, and a systematic procedure is desirable to isolate the appropriate dissociating, autoionizing states. We used the block diagonalization method, which requires only modest additional effort beyond the standard methodology. We treated both linear and bent geometries of the molecules, with N2 fixed at its equilibrium separation. The results indicate that the crossing between the dissociating neutral curve and the initial ion potential is not favorably located, suggesting that the direct mechanism for DR will be small. Dynamics calculations using the multi-configuration, time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method confirm this conclusion.