Journal Articles Journal of High Energy Physics Year : 2011

Naturalness and Fine Tuning in the NMSSM: Implications of Early LHC Results


We study the fine tuning in the parameter space of the semi-constrained NMSSM, where most soft Susy breaking parameters are universal at the GUT scale. We discuss the dependence of the fine tuning on the soft Susy breaking parameters M_1/2 and m0, and on the Higgs masses in NMSSM specific scenarios involving large singlet-doublet Higgs mixing or dominant Higgs-to-Higgs decays. Whereas these latter scenarios allow a priori for considerably less fine tuning than the constrained MSSM, the early LHC results rule out a large part of the parameter space of the semi-constrained NMSSM corresponding to low values of the fine tuning.
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hal-00609283 , version 1 (07-06-2021)




Ulrich Ellwanger, Grégory Espitalier Noel, Cyril Hugonie. Naturalness and Fine Tuning in the NMSSM: Implications of Early LHC Results. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011, 1109, pp.105. ⟨10.1007/JHEP09(2011)105⟩. ⟨hal-00609283⟩
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