Conference Papers Year : 2011

Benchmark 3D: a version of the DDFV scheme with cell/vertex unknowns on general meshes


This paper gives numerical results for a 3D extension of the 2D DDFV scheme. Our scheme is of the same inspiration as the one called CeVe-DDFV ([9]), with a more straightforward dual mesh construction. We sketch the construction in which, starting from a given 3D mesh (which can be non conformal and have arbitrary polygonal faces), one defines a dual mesh and a diamond mesh, reconstructs a discrete gradient, and proves the discrete duality property. Details can be found in [1].
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hal-00572732 , version 1 (02-03-2011)




Boris Andreianov, Florence Hubert, Stella Krell. Benchmark 3D: a version of the DDFV scheme with cell/vertex unknowns on general meshes. Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VI, Jun 2011, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.937-948, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-20671-9_91⟩. ⟨hal-00572732⟩
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