Safety Control Synthesis for Time Petri Nets
We study some control synthesis problems on an extension of Time Petri Nets that model a plant and its environment. The Time Petri Net control model both represents controllable and uncontrollable events, the problem is then to design a function (\emph{controller}) such that a given property is fulfilled. We focus our analysis on safety properties expressed on the markings of the net and we propose a symbolic method to decide the existence of a controller that ensures these properties. Unlike existing methods on Time Petri Nets, that assume the net is bounded, the method is applicable for any Time Petri Nets. A consequence is that it is possible to decide the existence of a controller that $k$-bounds the plant. A method is then proposed to build a state-based controller and problems raised by the implementation (\emph{Zenoness}, \emph{sampling}) of the control function on the plant are discusse