High-resolution stimulated Raman spectroscopy and analysis of the nu2, nu5 and 2 nu6 bands of 34SF6
The nu2, nu5 and 2nu6 regions of 24SF6 have been studied by stimulated Raman spectroscopy. We used an isotopically pure sample of 34SF6. A detailed analysis of the nu2 and nu5 fundamentals has been performed with the HTDS program suite (http://icb.u-bourgogne.fr/OMR/SMA/SHTDS/HTDS.html) dedicated to octahedral XY6 molecules. We also present a preliminary analysis of the 2nu6 band for both 32SF6 and 34SF6. Finally, we give the S-32 - S-34 isotopic shifts for all the SF6 fundamentals.