Average Delay Guarantee in Server Systems Using Admission Control - Archive ouverte HAL
Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2009

Average Delay Guarantee in Server Systems Using Admission Control


Although server technology provides a mean to support a wide range of online services and applications, their ad-hoc conguration poses signicant challenges to the perfor- mance, availability and economical costs of applications. One of the main concerns is that under a heavy load, the delay introduced by a server in the transaction process may grow unbounded. This paper precisely addresses this issue. First, we present the design of a server model as a non-linear continuous-time model. Second, we develop an admission control algorithm that allow to ensure a maximum average delay on the server. Model and control algorithm were implemented and applied on the standard PostgreSQL database server running the TPC-C warehouse application. The experiments show that the proposed method provides signicant benets for database servers management.
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hal-00404404 , version 1 (07-01-2010)


  • HAL Id : hal-00404404 , version 1


Luc Malrait, Nicolas Marchand, Sara Bouchenak. Average Delay Guarantee in Server Systems Using Admission Control. IFAC TDS 2009 - 8th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems, Sep 2009, Sinaia, Romania. ⟨hal-00404404⟩
516 Consultations
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