Journal Articles International Journal of Modern Physics A Year : 2003

Sudakov Expansions at One Loop and Beyond for Charged Scalar and Fermion Pair Production in SUSY Models at Future Linear Colliders


We consider the high energy behaviour of the amplitudes for pair production of charged leptons, quarks, Higgs bosons, sleptons, squarks and charginos at lepton colliders. We give the general expressions of the leading quadratic and subleading linear logarithms that appear at the one loop level, and derive the corresponding resummed expansions to underlinesubleading logarithmic order accuracy. Under the assumption of a relatively light SUSY scenario and choosing the MSSM as a specific model, we compare the predictions of the one-loop and of the resummed expansions at variable energy. We show that the two predictions are very close in the one TeV regime, but drastically differ in the few (2,3) TeV range.

Dates and versions

hal-00369189 , version 1 (18-03-2009)



M. Beccaria, Fernand Michel Renard, M. Melles, S. Trimarchi, C. Verzegnassi. Sudakov Expansions at One Loop and Beyond for Charged Scalar and Fermion Pair Production in SUSY Models at Future Linear Colliders. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2003, 18 (27), pp.5069-5098. ⟨10.1142/S0217751X03015702⟩. ⟨hal-00369189⟩
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