Decision Explanation and Risk Evaluation in a Multi Criteria Decision making System for an Organization
The authors are developing multi criteria Decision-Making Support Systems (DMSS) in organizations. These DMSS rely on the tracking of the accompanying knowledge production of long-term decisional processes by a collective with many actors. Based on the knowledge production management, this presentation explains how to design decisional risk evaluation aids and traceability functions for strategic choices and logical argumentation. Each competing solution (service or product) involved in the decision-making process is evaluated by means of a set of criteria. The evaluation results from an interpretation of the knowledge pieces in terms of value judgments of the solutions according to specific criteria. Aggregating these partial scores provides a ranking of all the candidate solutions by order of preference. The evaluation phase is thus associated to a multi criteria analysis. This in turn makes it possible to simulate decision strategies. Finally, evaluating candidate solutions by the knowledge contained in the knowledge base opens the way to automating the argumentation of collective decision strategies in an organization. The DMSS also evaluates the reliability of its own decisions and identi_es the crucial information points for which a deeper investigation would be of great interest to control this reliability in the future. The interest of such a DMSS is illustrated through the management of a great-scale project: the EtLD project of the French Atomic Commission that concerns the management of high-level long-lived radioactive waste in France. Applications in Industrial Engineering and Systems Management are also proposed.