Concept Maps for Designing Adaptive Knowledge Maps
Concept Maps are an excellent method to visually represent and interact with a knowledge domain. A Knowledge Map is a further complicated instance of a Concept Map, containing many instances of concepts and concept relations that add to the complexity of a visual representation. Adaptivity is also a key requirement for Knowledge Maps that we will demonstrate through practical example. This paper presents both a method, called ‘Domain-View-Controller' (DVC) and a software environment specifically designed to create adaptive Knowledge Maps from Concept Maps. These tools give professional knowledge designers the means for specifying the domain knowledge of end users, allowing them to build well organized, adaptive Knowledge Maps with partial automated assistance. This paper also presents a scheme for the fully automated process of creating Knowledge Maps from domain specifications, giving end users the ability to display complex knowledge without having the expertise of Knowledge Engineers. The paper focuses on a real world example from the domain of music to illustrate the underlying principles.