Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2008

Special supersymmetric features of stop-chargino production at LHC


The process of stop-chargino production at LHC has been calculated in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model at the complete electroweak 1-loop level, assuming a mSUGRA symmetry breaking scheme. Several remarkable properties of the angular and invariant mass distributions of the basic $b~g\to\tilde{t}_a~ \chi^-_i$ amplitudes have been derived. For a vast collection of different benchmark points the overall 1-loop effects are of the order of a relative few percent. From a partial scanning of single parameters performed at Born level, a strong dependence of the rates on the stop mixing angle and a correlation with tanbeta have been evidentiated.

Dates and versions

hal-00349202 , version 1 (24-12-2008)



M. Beccaria, G. Macorini, L. Panizzi, Fernand Michel Renard, C. Verzegnassi. Special supersymmetric features of stop-chargino production at LHC. 2008. ⟨hal-00349202⟩
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