Enhanced EBG resonator antenna to feed a reflector antenna in Ka band
Recent studies have shown that a multibeam reflector antenna could be illuminated by a multifeed electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structure, in order to achieve a high gain multispot coverage with the simple "one feed by beam" concept and only one aperture. This letter deals with the design of a metallic EBG antenna in the Ka band, feeding a side-fed offset cassegrain antenna (SFOCA) for a European multispot coverage. This reflector presents a high focal-length-to-diameter ratio limiting the defocusing effects for multibeam applications. It, therefore, requires focal feeds with a high directivity and a good radiation pattern quality. The well-known drawbacks of an EBG antenna are the narrow radiation bandwidth for high directivities and also the high sidelobes level reducing the reflector antenna efficiency. Consequently, the work presented in this letter consisted in improving the EBG antenna performances by using a more efficient feed. The replacement of the usual microstrip patch by a horn allowed to double the radiation bandwidth while decreasing the sidelobes level (-15 dB) of a 24-dB EBG antenna. A metallic prototype excited by a single horn has been manufactured at 30 GHz, and the measurements agree with the simulation. This device with one feed allows good SFOCA performances, similar to those obtained with a conventional focal feed like a Potter horn.