Conference Papers Year : 2006

Verification of Biochemical Agent-Based Models Using Petri Nets


Hsim is an agent-based simulator that allow the modelling of any kind of macro-molecules interactions in a 3D virtual cell using a description language. Theses models, which describe reactions between the various molecules are written by the user of the simulator. Our aim is to verify the validity of the user's model and to exhibit properties of these models without needing to run a simulation. To this end, we construct and analyse a Petri Net to determine all the possible macromolecular assemblies.
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Dates and versions

hal-00340492 , version 1 (20-11-2008)


  • HAL Id : hal-00340492 , version 1


Thomas Moncion, Guillaume Hutzler, Patrick Amar. Verification of Biochemical Agent-Based Models Using Petri Nets. International Symposium on Agent Based Modeling and Simulation (ABModSim 2006), 2006, Vianna, Austria. pp.695--700. ⟨hal-00340492⟩
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