Une méthode d'interpolation des températures de l'air en Bretagne : combinaison des paramètres géographiques et des mesures infrarouge NOAA-AVHRR
The air maximum temperature in Brittany was correlated for 6 sunny days of the year 1997 with the geographical coordinates usually used in climatological studies : altitude, latitude and distance from the coast. Then the infrared data from the NOAA satellite was compared to the air temperature data recorded at the available weather stations. Statistical tests show a significant correlation between the air temperature data and the data recorded with the AVHRR radiometer. A statistical method of interpolation was used with a multiple regression and taken into account all the used coordinates and parameters. The results allow to show maps of the interpolated daily air maximum temperature in Brittany with a resolution of 1 km. The results show for 2 cases out 3 a difference of less than 1°C between the interpoled temperature and the recorded temperature.