Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2004

Supersymmetry Tests from a Combined Analysis of Chargino, Neutralino, and Charged Higgs Boson Pair Production at a 1-TeV Linear Collider.

H. Eberl
  • Function : Author
M. Beccaria
  • Function : Author
C. Verzegnassi
  • Function : Author


We consider the production of chargino, neutralino and charged Higgs boson pairs at future linear colliders for c. m. energies in the one TeV range within the MSSM. We compute the leading (double) and next-to leading (linear) supersymmetric logarithmic terms of the so-called "Sudakov expansion" at one-loop level. We show that a combined analysis of the slopes of the chargino, neutralino, and charged Higgs boson pair production cross sections would offer a simple possibility for determining \tan\beta for large (\gsim 10) values, and the parameters M_1, M_2, and \mu. This test could provide a strong consistency check of the considered supersymmetric model.

Dates and versions

hal-00300696 , version 1 (18-07-2008)



H. Eberl, Fernand Michel Renard, M. Beccaria, C. Verzegnassi. Supersymmetry Tests from a Combined Analysis of Chargino, Neutralino, and Charged Higgs Boson Pair Production at a 1-TeV Linear Collider.. 2004. ⟨hal-00300696⟩
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