Genuine SUSY signatures from $ug\to \tilde d \tchi_i^+$ and $ug \to d W^+$, at high energies
We analyze the quark-gluon induced process $u g\to \tilde d\tchi_i^+$, including the one loop electroweak (EW) effects in the minimal supersymmetric model (MSSM). This process is determined by four helicity amplitudes, three of which are violating helicity conservation, and another one which respects it and is logarithmically enhanced at high energy. Combining this $u g\to \tilde d\tchi_i^+$ analysis with a corresponding one for $u g \to d W^+$, we obtain simple approximate relations between the two processes, testing the MSSM structure at the amplitude and the cross section levels. These relations become exact at asymptotic energies and, provided the SUSY scale is not too heavy, they may be approximately correct at LHC energies also. In addition to these, we study the 1loop EW corrections to the inclusive $\tilde d\tchi_i^+$ production at LHC, presenting as examples, the $p_T$ and angular distributions. Comparing these to the corresponding predictions for $W$+jet production derived earlier, provides an accurate test of the supersymmetric assignments.