Journal Articles Physical Review D Year : 2005

Single Neutralino production at CERN LHC


The common belief that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) might be a neutralino, providing also the main Dark Matter (DM) component, calls for maximal detail in the study of the neutralino properties. Motivated by this, we consider the direct production of a single neutralino $\tchi^0_i$ at a high/energy hadron collider, focusing on the $\tchi^0_1$ and $\tchi^0_2$ cases. At Born level, the relevant subprocesses are $q\bar q\to \tchi^0_i \tilde g$, $g q\to \tchi^0_i \tilde q_{L,R}$ and $q\bar q'\to \tchi^0_i\tchi^\pm_j$; while at 1-loop, apart from radiative corrections to these processes, we consider also $gg\to \tchi^0_i\tilde{g}$, for which a numerical code named PLATONgluino is released. The relative importance of these channels turns out to be extremely model dependent. Combining these results with an analogous study of the direct $\tchi^0_i\tchi^0_j$ pair production, should help in testing the SUSY models and the Dark Matter assignment.

Dates and versions

hal-00259264 , version 1 (27-02-2008)



G. J. Gounaris, J. Layssac, P. I. Porfyriadis, F. M. Renard. Single Neutralino production at CERN LHC. Physical Review D, 2005, 71, pp.075012.1. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevD.71.075012⟩. ⟨hal-00259264⟩
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