A discontinuous stabilized mortar method for general 3D elastic problems
First, the present paper is concerned with the extension to linearized elastodynamics of the optimal results known in statics for the mortar method. It also analyzes and tests a new couple of displacements/Lagrange multipliers for the method, as proposed independently by Ben Belgacem [F. Ben Belgacem, A stabilized domain decomposition method with non-matching grids for the Stokes problem in three dimensions, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 42 (2) (2004) 667–685] and the authors [P. Hauret, Méthodes numériques pour la dynamique des structures non-linéaires incompressibles à deux échelles (Numerical methods for the dynamic analysis of two-scale incompressible nonlinear structures), Ph.D. thesis, Ecole Polytechnique, 2004]. Finally, questions of practical implementation in the presence of curved interfaces are addressed and validated from the numerical point of view.