Abundances of neutron-capture elements in atmospheres of cool giants
We have determined the atmospheric abundances of Y, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, and Eu for a sample of 171 giants selected as clump giants with metallicities [Fe/H] between ?0.7 and 0.3 dex, based on photometric criteria. In our analysis, we assumed local thermodynamic equilibrium and fit the parameters of model atmospheres to high-resolution (R = 42 000) echelle spectra with high signal-to-noise ratios. The Ba and Eu abundances were derived using synthetic spectra, including hyperfine structure. We find no significant difference in the abundances of s-or r-process neutron-capture elements between clump giants and ascending-branch giants selected by us earlier. We also analyze the relation between the abundances of neutron-capture elements and [Fe/H].