Influence of the excited states of atomic nitrogen N(2D) and N (2P) on the transport properties of nitrogen. Part II : Nitrogen plasma properties
In this paper, the calculated values of the viscosity and thermal conductivity of nitrogen plasma are presented taking into account five (e, N, N+, N2 and N2+) or eight (e, N(4S), N(2P), N(2D), N(R), N+, N2 and N2+) species. The calculations are based on the supposition that the temperature dependent probability of occupation of the states is given by the Boltzmann factor. The domain for which the calculations are performed, is for p = 1 and 10 atm in the temperature range from 5,000 K to 15,000 K. Classical collision integrals are used in calculating the transport coefficients and we have introduced new averaged collision integrals where the weight associated at each interacting species pair is the probable collision frequency. The influence of the collision integral values and energy transfer between two different species is studied. These results are compared which those of published theoretical studies.