An Attempt to Detect Coronal Mass Ejections in Lyman- α Using SOHO Swan
In this study, the possibility that coronal mass ejections (CMEs) may be observed in neutral Lyman-α emission was investigated. An observing campaign was initiated for SWAN (Solar Wind ANisotropies), a Lyman-α scanning photometer on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) dedicated to monitoring the latitude distribution of the solar wind from its imprints on the interstellar sky background. This was part of SOHO Joint Observing Program (JOP) 159 and was an exploratory investigation as it was not known how, or even if, CMEs interact with the solar wind and interstellar neutral hydrogen at this distance (≈60 and 120 R S). The study addresses the lack of methods for tracking CMEs beyond the field-of-view of current coronagraphs (30 R S). In our first method we used LASCO, white-light coronagraphs on SOHO, and EIT, an extreme ultraviolet imaging telescope also on SOHO, to identify CME candidates which, subject to certain criteria, should have been observable in SWAN. The criteria included SWAN observation time and location, CME position angle, and extrapolated speed. None of the CME candidates that we discuss were identified in the SWAN data. For our second method we analyzed all of the SWAN data for 184 runs of the observing campaign, and this has yielded one candidate CME detection. The candidate CME appears as a dimming of the background Lyman-α intensity representing ≈10% of the original intensity, moving radially away from the Sun. Multiple candidate CMEs observed by LASCO and EIT were found which may have caused this dimming. Here we discuss the campaign, data analysis technique and statistics, and the results.