A thermodynamical approach to contact wear as application of moving discontinuities
The propagation of a moving surface inside a body is analysed within the framework of thermomechanical couplings when the moving surface is associated with an irreversible change in mechanical properties. The moving surface is a surface of heat sources and of entropy production whose intensities are related to particular energy release rates defined in terms of Hamiltonian gradients. For example, we analyse the wear process. Wear phenomena due to contact and relative motion between two solids depend on the loading conditions and material mechanical properties. Friction between contacting bodies induces damage of materials, producing surface and subsurface cracks. Particles are detached from sound solids when some local criteria are satisfied at the boundary. As wear occurs, geometrical changes take place and contact conditions are modified, and the particle induces a specific layer with particular properties. Then the interface between the bodies is a complex medium made of detached particles, eventually a lubricant fluid, and damaged zones. We propose to describe the evolution of the interface using a framework developed earlier for inducing the general form of a wear law.