Strongly Correlated Electron Materials: Dynamical Mean-Field Theory and Electronic Structure
These are introductory lectures to some aspects of the physics ofstrongly correlated electron systems.I first explain the main reasons for strongcorrelations in several classes of materials.The basic principles of dynamical mean-field theory(DMFT) are then briefly reviewed.I emphasize the formal analogies withclassical mean-field theory and density functional theory, throughthe construction of free-energy functionals ofa local observable.I review the application of DMFT to the Mott transition,and compare to recent spectroscopy and transport experiments.The key role of the quasiparticle coherence scale, andof transfers of spectral weight between low- and intermediate or highenergies is emphasized.Above this scale, correlated metals enter an incoherent regime withunusual transport properties. The recent combinations of DMFT with electronicstructure methods are also discussed, and illustrated bysome applications to transition metal oxides and f-electron materials.