Journal Articles Classical and Quantum Gravity Year : 2003

Gyromagnetic ratio of rapidly rotating compact stars in general relativity


We numerically calculate equilibrium configurations of uniformly rotatingand charged neutron stars, in the case of insulating material andneglecting the electromagnetic forces acting on the equilibrium of thefluid. This allows us to study the behaviour of the gyromagnetic ratiofor those objects, when varying rotation rate and equation of statefor the matter. Under the assumption of low charge and incompressiblefluid, we find that the gyromagnetic ratio is directly proportional tothe compaction parameter M/R of the star, and very little dependenton its angular velocity. Nevertheless, it seems impossible to haveg=2 for these models with low charge-to-mass ratio, where matterconsists of a perfect fluid and where the collapse limit is neverreached.
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hal-00000401 , version 1 (05-06-2003)



Jerome Novak, Emmanuel Marcq. Gyromagnetic ratio of rapidly rotating compact stars in general relativity. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2003, 20 (14), pp.3051. ⟨10.1088/0264-9381/20/14/307⟩. ⟨hal-00000401⟩
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