index - Laboratoire dynamiques sociales et recomposition des espaces


Publications of LADYSS


Ladyss's HAL-SHS collection aims to archive, disseminate and promote the scientific output of the laboratory's researchers: journal articles, books, book chapters, direction of works or special issues of journals, theses, reports, dictionary entries, encyclopedia; as well as the full text of conference proceedings when permitted by the publisher.

The Ladyss (Laboratory of Social Dynamics and Spatial Reconstruction) is a multidisciplinary UMR (Mixt Research Unit) of the CNRS (National Center of Scientific Research) located on four university sites (Paris 1, Paris 7, Paris 8, Paris 10).
Its members’ works share with different disciplinary fields of social sciences the primary purpose of analysing social facts characterized by their territorial anchorages : urban territories and rural territories, in the north and the south.
They share as well a similar experience, convergent even, and particularly innovative and emergent context, taking into account environmental issues, particularly through the analysis of the relationship between society and nature.
Research practices, in a movement ranging from a multidisciplinarity within the social sciences to an interdisciplinary one, to the life sciences, which result in an approach favoring field surveys, with scales of observation taking into account the multiscalar, using the comparative approach as a cumulative method.


Director : Thomas Lamarche

Associate directors: Johan Milian et Zoé Vaillant

Address :


Université Paris Nanterre

Bâtiment Max Weber, 2e etage

200, avenue de la République

92001, Nanterre cedex

Ladyss's website

Contact : ladyss-hal[at]








2 410


Publisher copyright policies for self-archiving


Open Access

33 %




  Management of the collection
Bénédicte MacGregor



Archive created and managed on theCCSD, platform, and based on the model of Gallia collection. Designed by Bénédicte MacGregor.
Logo of the Ladyss: Yves Luginbühl.