je-publie-quels-sont-mes-droits - Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon

In 2013, in collaboration with the CNRS, the committee for open science has published the flyer 'Je publie, quels sont mes droits?'. It has been updated in 2016 by a working group of the collège 'Compétences et formation' of the committee for open science, taking into account new developments following the legal framework 'pour une république numérique'.

It gives answers to concrete questions by authors of scientific articles concerning their rights regarding their published work. The guide is available here.

Further information can be found in the following three documents.

Click the image to download
je publie, quels sont mes droits ?
Click the image to see the full size
infographie sur les droits de publication

The law decoded (in French)