index - IBSLOR - Ingénierie, Biologie et Santé en Lorraine Access content directly

The mixed service unit (UMS) 2008 / US40 Engineering, Biology, Health in Lorraine (IBSLor) was created on 01 January 2018. It is composed of a CNRS unit (UMR7365 IMoPA) and two INSERM units (U1116 DCAC and U1256 NGERE) belonging to the Pole Biologie Médecine Santé (BMS) of the University of Lorraine. It follows the Féderation de Recherche 3209 Molecular Cellular and Therapeutic Bioengineering (BMCT) (CNRS-UL) (2009-2017) and has 4 own staff and staff made available by the constituent units. The UMS has 3 supervisory bodies: the University of Lorraine and the CNRS which contribute to its operational budget, and the INSERM.


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