JASON High Blue ultra high velocity recording : a big data Carabian biodiversity survey
Acoustic monitoring is a key feature for studying biodiver-sity. Recent works on very high frequency animal soundsopen new insights and challenges on biodiversity survey.In order to set a scaled monitoring, and to cover mostof the frequencies of the present species, a novel multi-channel ultra high velocity recorder has been designed,called Qualilife HighBlue. This paper presents its archi-tecture and characteristics. One of its most innovative fea-tures is an always-on ultra-low power wake-up, trigger-ing recordings when temporal and/or spectral interestingevents are detected. For this task, shallow neural net-works are embedded for advanced pattern detection, aswell as mixed signal features extractors. Several commu-nications devices are implemented, and the system can becustomised. Multiple deployments of this monitoring sys-tem over the world are presented in this paper to demon-strate its robustness, versatility and efficiency.
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