Conference Papers Year : 2014

Probing Efficient Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in Young Supernovae using the Cherenkov Telescope Array


It is widely accepted that supernova (SN) shocks can accelerate particles to very high energies, although the maximum energies are still unclear. These accelerated particles can interact with other particles to produce gamma-ray emission. Details of the process are not well characterized, including the dynamics and kinematics of the SN shock wave, the nature and magnitude of the magnetic field, and the details of the particle acceleration process. The properties of the SN shock itself are regulated by the surrounding medium, which in a massive star is formed by mass-loss from the pre-SN progenitor during its lifetime. Thus the spectra of accelerated particles, and the resultant gamma-ray emission, depend on the evolution of the SN progenitor before it explodes. Herein we explore in detail aspects of SN evolution, particle acceleration, and the non-thermal emission, for young SNe right after outburst. We use these calculations to predict and constrain the detectability of young SNe of various types with the next generation gamma-ray telescope, the Cherenkov Telescope Array.
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in2p3-01068275 , version 1 (25-09-2014)



Vikram Dwarkadas, Matthieu Renaud, A. Marcowith, Vincent Tatischeff. Probing Efficient Cosmic-Ray Acceleration in Young Supernovae using the Cherenkov Telescope Array. High Energy Astrophysics Division 14th Meeting, 2014, Chicago, United States. ⟨in2p3-01068275⟩
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