Conference Papers Year : 2013

Simulations and RF Measurements of the Fundamental and Higher Order Modes of the ThomX 500 MHz Cavity


The RF system of the ThomX* storage ring will consist in a 500 MHz single cell copper cavity of the ELETTRA type, powered with a 50 kW CW solid state amplifier, and the associated Low Level RF feedback and control loops. The low operating energy of 50 - 100 MeV makes the impedances of the cavity higher order modes (HOMs) particularly critical for the beam stability. Their parasitic effects on the beam can be cured byHOMfrequency shifting techniques, based on a fine temperature tuning and a dedicated plunger. A typical cavity temperature stability of ± 0.05oC within a range from 35 up to 80 oC can be achieved by a precise control of its water cooling temperature. On the other hand, the tuning of the cavity fundamental mode is achieved by changing its axial length by means of a mechanical tuner. In order to insure a fine control of the HOM frequencies, a good knowledge of their characteristics is mandatory.The main parameters of the fundamental and of the HOMs up to 4 GHz have been calculated using the HFSS and CST MWS codes. Preliminary measurements results have been obtained and show a good agreement with the simulations.


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in2p3-00823312 , version 1 (30-07-2013)


  • HAL Id : in2p3-00823312 , version 1


M. El Khaldi, I.V. Drebot, P. Lepercq, R. Marie, B. Mercier, et al.. Simulations and RF Measurements of the Fundamental and Higher Order Modes of the ThomX 500 MHz Cavity. IPAC 13 - 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference, May 2013, Shanghai, China. pp.2711-2713. ⟨in2p3-00823312⟩
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