%0 Journal Article %T Discovery of gamma-ray emission from the extragalactic pulsar wind nebula N 157B with H.E.S.S. %+ Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier (LUPM) %+ Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR) %+ AstroParticule et Cosmologie (APC (UMR_7164)) %+ Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE) %+ APC - Astrophysique des Hautes Energies (APC - AHE) %+ Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP) %A Abramowski, A. %A Acero, Fabio %A Aharonian, F. %A Akhperjanian, A. G. %A Anton, G. %A Balenderan, S. %A Balzer, A. %A Barnacka, A. %A Becherini, Y. %A Becker, J. %A Bernlöhr, K. %A Birsin, E. %A Biteau, J. %A Bochow, A. %A Boisson, C. %A Bolmont, J. %A Bordas, P. %A Brucker, J. %A Brun, F. %A Brun, P. %A Bulik, T. %A Carrigan, S. %A Casanova, S. %A Cerruti, M. %A Chadwick, P. M. %A Charbonnier, A. %A Chaves, R. C. G. %A Cheesebrough, A. %A Cologna, G. %A Conrad, J. %A Couturier, C. %A Dalton, M. %A Daniel, M. K. %A Davids, I. D. %A Degrange, B. %A Deil, C. %A Dickinson, H. J. %A Djannati-Ataï, A. %A Domainko, W. %A Drury, L. O'C. %A Dubus, G. %A Dutson, K. %A Dyks, J. %A Dyrda, M. %A Egberts, K. %A Eger, P. %A Espigat, P. %A Fallon, L. %A Farnier, C. %A Fegan, S. %A Feinstein, F. %A Fernandes, M. V. %A Fernandez, D. %A Fiasson, A. %A Fontaine, G. %A Förster, A. %A Füssling, M. %A Gajdus, M. %A Gallant, Y. A. %A Garrigoux, T. %A Gast, H. %A Gérard, L. %A Giebels, B. %A Glicenstein, J. F. %A Glück, B. %A Göring, D. %A Grondin, M. -H. %A Häffner, S. %A Hague, J. D. %A Hahn, J. %A Hampf, D. %A Harris, J. %A Hauser, M. %A Heinz, S. %A Heinzelmann, G. %A Henri, G. %A Hermann, G. %A Hillert, A. %A Hinton, J. A. %A Hofmann, W. %A Hofverberg, P. %A Holler, M. %A Horns, D. %A Jacholkowska, A. %A de Jager, O. C. %A Jahn, C. %A Jamrozy, M. %A Jung, I. %A Kastendieck, M. A. %A Katarzyński, K. %A Katz, U. %A Kaufmann, S. %A Khélifi, B. %A Klochkov, D. %A Kluźniak, W. %A Kneiske, T. %A Komin, Nu. %A Kosack, K. %A Kossakowski, R. %A Krayzel, F. %A Laffon, H. %A Lamanna, G. %A Lenain, J. -P. %A Lennarz, D. %A Lohse, T. %A Lopatin, A. %A Lu, C. -C. %A Marandon, V. %A Marcowith, Alexandre %A Masbou, Julien %A Maurin, G. %A Maxted, N. %A Mayer, M. %A Mccomb, T. J. L. %A Medina, M. C. %A Méhault, J. %A Menzler, U. %A Moderski, R. %A Mohamed, M. %A Moulin, Emmanuel %A Naumann, C. L. %A Naumann-Godo, M. %A de Naurois, M. %A Nedbal, D. %A Nguyen, N. %A Nicholas, B. %A Niemiec, J. %A Nolan, S. J. %A Ohm, S. %A Wilhelmi, E. de Oña %A Opitz, B. %A Ostrowski, M. %A Oya, I. %A Panter, M. %A Arribas, M. Paz %A Pekeur, N. W. %A Pelletier, G. %A Perez, J. %A Petrucci, P. -O. %A Peyaud, B. %A Pita, S. %A Pühlhofer, G. %A Punch, M. %A Quirrenbach, A. %A Raue, M. %A Reimer, A. %A Reimer, O. %A Renaud, Matthieu %A Reyes, R. de Los %A Rieger, F. %A Ripken, J. %A Rob, L. %A Rosier-Lees, S. %A Rowell, G. %A Rudak, B. %A Rulten, C. B. %A Sahakian, V. %A Sanchez, D. A. %A Santangelo, A. %A Schlickeiser, R. %A Schulz, A. %A Schwanke, U. %A Schwarzburg, S. %A Schwemmer, S. %A Sheidaei, F. %A Skilton, J. L. %A Sol, H. %A Spengler, G. %A Stawarz, Ł. %A Steenkamp, R. %A Stegmann, C. %A Stinzing, F. %A Stycz, K. %A Sushch, I. %A Szostek, A. %A Tavernet, J. -P. %A Terrier, R. %A Tluczykont, M. %A Valerius, K. %A van Eldik, C. %A Vasileiadis, George %A Venter, C. %A Viana, A. %A Vincent, P. %A Völk, H. J. %A Volpe, F. %A Vorobiov, S. %A Vorster, M. %A Wagner, S. J. %A Ward, M. %A White, R. %A Wierzcholska, A. %A Zacharias, M. %A Zajczyk, A. %A Zdziarski, A. A. %A Zech, A. %A Zechlin, H. -S. %Z 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letters %< avec comité de lecture %@ 0004-6361 %J Astronomy & Astrophysics - A&A %I EDP Sciences %V 545 %P L2 %8 2012-09 %D 2012 %Z 1208.1636 %Z 2012A&A...545L...2H %R 10.1051/0004-6361/201219906 %Z Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena [astro-ph.HE] %Z Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena [astro-ph.HE]Journal articles %X We present the significant detection of the first extragalactic pulsar wind nebula (PWN) detected in gamma rays, N157B, located in the large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Pulsars with high spin-down luminosity are found to power energised nebulae that emit gamma rays up to energies of several tens of TeV. N157B is associated with PSRJ0537-6910, which is the pulsar with the highest known spin-down luminosity. The High Energy Stereoscopic System telescope array observed this nebula on a yearly basis from 2004 to 2009 with a dead-time corrected exposure of 46 h. The gamma-ray spectrum between 600 GeV and 12 TeV is well-described by a pure power-law with a photon index of 2.8 \pm 0.2(stat) \pm 0.3(syst) and a normalisation at 1 TeV of (8.2 \pm 0.8(stat) \pm 2.5(syst)) \times 10^-13 cm^-2s^-1TeV^-1. A leptonic multi-wavelength model shows that an energy of about 4 \times 10^49erg is stored in electrons and positrons. The apparent efficiency, which is the ratio of the TeV gamma-ray luminosity to the pulsar's spindown luminosity, 0.08% \pm 0.01%, is comparable to those of PWNe found in the Milky Way. The detection of a PWN at such a large distance is possible due to the pulsar's favourable spin-down luminosity and a bright infrared photon-field serving as an inverse-Compton-scattering target for accelerated leptons. By applying a calorimetric technique to these observations, the pulsar's birth period is estimated to be shorter than 10 ms. %G English %Z HESS %L in2p3-00725528 %U https://in2p3.hal.science/in2p3-00725528 %~ IN2P3 %~ OBSPM %~ CEA %~ UNIV-PARIS7 %~ X %~ UNIV-SAVOIE %~ UPMC %~ UGA %~ LAPP %~ LLR %~ LPNHE %~ APC %~ CNRS %~ UNIV-MONTP2 %~ X-LLR %~ X-DEP %~ X-DEP-PHYS %~ LUPM %~ DSM-IRFU %~ IRFU-APC %~ PSL %~ UPMC_POLE_2 %~ MIPS %~ UNIV-MONTPELLIER %~ CEA-DRF %~ SORBONNE-UNIVERSITE %~ LUPM_EMA %~ SU-SCIENCES %~ UNIV-PARIS %~ UP-SCIENCES %~ OBSPM-PSL %~ USMB-COMUE %~ SU-TI %~ ALLIANCE-SU %~ UM1-UM2 %~ LPNHE-2 %~ TEST-SEBASTIEN3