%0 Journal Article %T FERMI LARGE AREA TELESCOPE OBSERVATIONS OF THE SUPERNOVA REMNANT G8.7-0.1 %+ Astrophysique Interprétation Modélisation (AIM (UMR7158 / UMR_E_9005 / UM_112)) %+ Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR) %+ Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier (LUPM) %+ Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie (IRAP) %+ GLAST %A Ajello, Marco %A Allafort, A. %A Baldini, Luca %A Ballet, Jean %A Barbiellini, Guido %A Bastieri, D. %A Bechtol, K. %A Bellazzini, R. %A Berenji, B. %A D. Blandford, R. %A D. Bloom, E. %A Bonamente, E. %A W. Borgland, A. %A Bregeon, J. %A Brigida, M. %A Bruel, Pascal %A Buehler, R. %A Buson, S. %A A. Caliandro, G. %A A. Cameron, R. %A Caraveo, P. A. %A M. Casandjian, J. %A Cecchi, C. %A Charles, E. %A Chekhtman, A. %A Ciprini, S. %A Claus, R. %A Cohen-Tanugi, J. %A Cutini, S. %A de Angelis, A. %A de Palma, F. %A D. Dermer, C. %A Do Couto E Silva, E. %A S. Drell, P. %A Drlica-Wagner, A. %A Dubois, R. %A Favuzzi, C. %A J. Fegan, S. %A C. Ferrara, E. %A B. Focke, W. %A Frailis, M. %A Fukazawa, Y. %A Fukui, Y. %A Fusco, P. %A Gargano, F. %A Gasparrini, D. %A Germani, S. %A Giglietto, N. %A Giommi, P. %A Giordano, F. %A Giroletti, M. %A Glanzman, T. %A Godfrey, G. %A E. Grove, J. %A Guiriec, S. %A Hadasch, D. %A Hanabata, Y. %A K. Harding, A. %A Hayashi, K. %A Hays, E. %A Itoh, R. %A Jóhannesson, G. %A S. Johnson, A. %A Kamae, T. %A Katagiri, H. %A Kataoka, J. %A Knödlseder, Jürgen %A Kubo, H. %A Kuss, M. %A Lande, J. %A Latronico, L. %A Lee, S.-H. %A M. Lionetto, A. %A Longo, F. %A Loparco, F. %A N. Lovellette, M. %A Lubrano, P. %A N. Mazziotta, M. %A Mehault, J. %A F. Michelson, P. %A Mizuno, T. %A A. Moiseev, A. %A Monte, C. %A E. Monzani, M. %A Morselli, A. %A V. Moskalenko, I. %A Murgia, S. %A Nakamori, T. %A Naumann-Godo, M. %A Nishino, S. %A L. Nolan, P. %A P. Norris, J. %A Nuss, E. %A Ohno, M. %A Ohsugi, T. %A Okumura, A. %A Omodei, N. %A Orlando, E. %A F. Ormes, J. %A Paneque, D. %A Parent, D. %A Pelassa, V. %A Pesce-Rollins, M. %A Pierbattista, M. %A Piron, F. %A Porter, T.A. %A Rainò, S. %A Rando, R. %A Reimer, A. %A Reimer, O. %A Reposeur, T. %A Roth, M. %A F.-W. Sadrozinski, H. %A Sgrò, C. %A J. Siskind, E. %A D. Smith, P. %A Spandre, G. %A Spinelli, P. %A J. Suson, D. %A Tajima, H. %A Takahashi, H. %A Tanaka, T. %A G. Thayer, J. %A B. Thayer, J. %A Tibaldo, L. %A Tibolla, O. %A F. Torres, D. %A Tosti, G. %A Tramacere, A. %A Troja, E. %A Uchiyama, Y. %A Uehara, T. %A L. Usher, T. %A Vandenbroucke, J. %A van Etten, A. %A Vasileiou, V. %A Vianello, G. %A Vilchez, N. %A Vitale, V. %A P. Waite, A. %A Wang, P. %A L. Winer, B. %A S. Wood, K. %A Yamamoto, H. %A Yamazaki, R. %A Yang, Z. %A Yasuda, H. %A Ziegler, M. %A Zimmer, S. %< avec comité de lecture %@ 0004-637X %J The Astrophysical Journal %I American Astronomical Society %V 744 %P 80 %8 2012-01-08 %D 2012 %Z 1109.3017 %R 10.1088/0004-637X/744/1/80 %K acceleration of particles %K cosmic rays %K gamma rays: ISM %K ISM: individual objects (G8.7-0.1 %K HESS J1804-216) %K ISM: supernova remnants %Z Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena [astro-ph.HE] %Z Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena [astro-ph.HE]Journal articles %X We present a detailed analysis of the GeV gamma-ray emission toward the supernova remnant (SNR) G8.7-0.1 with the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. An investigation of the relationship between G8.7-0.1 and the TeV unidentified source HESS J1804-216 provides us with an important clue on diffusion process of cosmic rays if particle acceleration operates in the SNR. The GeV gamma-ray emission is extended with most of the emission in positional coincidence with the SNR G8.7-0.1 and a lesser part located outside the western boundary of G8.7-0.1. The region of the gamma-ray emission overlaps spatially connected molecular clouds, implying a physical connection for the gamma-ray structure. The total gamma-ray spectrum measured with LAT from 200 MeV-100 GeV can be described by a broken power-law function with a break of 2.4 ± 0.6 (stat) ± 1.2 (sys) GeV, and photon indices of 2.10 ± 0.06 (stat) ± 0.10 (sys) below the break and 2.70 ± 0.12 (stat) ± 0.14 (sys) above the break. Given the spatial association among the gamma rays, the radio emission of G8.7-0.1, and the molecular clouds, the decay of π0s produced by particles accelerated in the SNR and hitting the molecular clouds naturally explains the GeV gamma-ray spectrum. We also find that the GeV morphology is not well represented by the TeV emission from HESS J1804-216 and that the spectrum in the GeV band is not consistent with the extrapolation of the TeV gamma-ray spectrum. The spectral index of the TeV emission is consistent with the particle spectral index predicted by a theory that assumes energy-dependent diffusion of particles accelerated in an SNR. We discuss the possibility that the TeV spectrum originates from the interaction of particles accelerated in G8.7-0.1 with molecular clouds, and we constrain the diffusion coefficient of the particles. %G English %L in2p3-00664467 %U https://in2p3.hal.science/in2p3-00664467 %~ IN2P3 %~ CEA %~ INSU %~ METEO %~ UNIV-PARIS7 %~ X %~ UNIV-TLSE3 %~ CENBG %~ LLR %~ CNRS %~ UNIV-MONTP2 %~ CNES %~ OMP %~ OMP-IRAP %~ X-LLR %~ X-DEP %~ X-DEP-PHYS %~ LUPM %~ DSM-IRFU %~ IRFU-AIM %~ MIPS %~ UNIV-MONTPELLIER %~ CEA-DRF %~ LUPM_EMA %~ UNIV-PARIS %~ UP-SCIENCES %~ GS-PHYSIQUE %~ UNIV-UT3 %~ UT3-INP %~ UT3-TOULOUSEINP %~ UM1-UM2