%0 Journal Article %T The Large Area Telescope on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Mission %+ Astrophysique Interprétation Modélisation (AIM (UMR7158 / UMR_E_9005 / UM_112)) %+ Institut de Recherches sur les lois Fondamentales de l'Univers (IRFU) %+ Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR) %+ Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Astroparticules (LPTA) %+ Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan (CENBG) %+ Centre d'étude spatiale des rayonnements (CESR) %A B. Atwood, W. %A A. Abdo, A. %A Ackermann, Markus %A Anderson, B. %A Axelsson, Magnus %A Baldini, Luca %A Ballet, Jean %A Band, D. L. %A Barbiellini, Guido %A Bartelt, J. %A Bastieri, D. %A M.Baughman, B. %A Bechtol, K. %A Bédérède, D. %A Bellardi, F. %A Bellazzini, R. %A Berenji, B. %A F.Bignami, G. %A Bisello, D. %A Bissaldi, E. %A D.Blandford, R. %A D.Bloom, E. %A R.Bogart, J. %A Bonamente, E. %A Bonnell, J. %A W.Borgland, A. %A Bouvier, A. %A Bregeon, J. %A Brez, A. %A Brigida, M. %A Bruel, Pascal %A H.Burnett, T. %A Busetto, G. %A A.Caliandro, G. %A Cameron, R.A. %A Caraveo, P. A. %A Carius, S. %A Carlson, P. %A M.Casandjian, J. %A Cavazzuti, E. %A Ceccanti, M. %A Cecchi, C. %A Charles, E. %A Chekhtman, A. %A C.Cheung, C. %A Chiang, J. %A Chipaux, R. %A N. Cillis, A. %A Ciprini, S. %A Claus, R. %A Cohen-Tanugi, J. %A Condamoor, S. %A Conrad, J. %A Corbet, R. %A Corucci, L. %A Costamante, L. %A Cutini, S. %A Davis, D.S. %A Decotigny, D. %A Deklotz, M. %A Dermer, C.D. %A de Angelis, A. %A Digel, S.W. %A Do Couto E Silva, E. %A Drell, P.S. %A Dubois, R. %A Dumora, D. %A Edmonds, Y. %A Fabiani, D. %A Farnier, C. %A Favuzzi, C. %A Flath, D.L. %A Fleury, P. %A Focke, W.B. %A Funk, S. %A Fusco, P. %A Gargano, F. %A Gasparrini, D. %A Gehrels, N. %A Gentit, F.-X. %A Germani, S. %A Giebels, B. %A Giglietto, N. %A Giommi, P. %A Giordano, F. %A Glanzman, T. %A Godfrey, G. %A Grenier, I.A. %A Grondin, M.-H. %A Grove, J.E. %A Guillemot, L. %A Guiriec, S. %A Haller, G. %A Harding, A.K. %A Hart, P.A. %A Hays, E. %A Healey, S.E. %A Hirayama, M. %A Hjalmarsdotter, L. %A Horn, R. %A Johannesson, G. %A Johansson, G. %A S.Johnson, A. %A P.Johnson, R. %A J.Johnson, T. %A N.Johnson, W. %A Kamae, T. %A Katagiri, H. %A Kataoka, J. %A Kavelaars, A. %A Kawai, N. %A Kelly, H. %A Kerr, M. %A Klamra, W. %A Knödlseder, Jürgen %A Kocian, M. L. %A Komin, N. %A Kuehn, F. %A Kuss, M. %A Landriu, D. %A Latronico, L. %A Lee, B. %A Lee, S.-H. %A Lemoine-Goumard, M. %A Lionetto, A.M. %A Longo, F. %A Loparco, F. %A Lott, B. %A Lovellette, M.N. %A Lubrano, P. %A Madjeski, G.M. %A Makeev, A. %A Marangelli, B. %A Massai, M.M. %A Mazziotta, M.N. %A Mcenery, J.E. %A Menon, N. %A Meurer, C. %A Michelson, P.F. %A Minuti, M. %A Mirizzi, N. %A Mitthumsiri, W. %A Mizuno, T. %A Moiseev, A.A. %A Monte, C. %A Monzani, M.E. %A Moretti, E. %A Morselli, A. %A Moskalenko, I.V. %A Murgia, S. %A Nakamori, T. %A Nishino, S. %A Nolan, P.L. %A Norris, J.P. %A Nuss, E. %A Ohno, M. %A Ohsugi, T. %A Omodei, N. %A Orlando, E. %A Ormes, J.F. %A Paccagnella, A. %A Paneque, D. %A Panetta, J.H. %A Parent, D. %A Pearce, M. %A Pepe, M. %A Perazzo, A. %A Pesce-Rollins, M. %A Picozza, P. %A Pieri, L. %A Pinchera, M. %A Piron, F. %A Porter, T.A. %A Poupard, L. %A Raino, S. %A Rando, R. %A Rapposelli, E. %A Razzano, M. %A Reimer, A. %A Reimer, O. %A Reposeur, T. %A Reyes, L. C. %A Ritz, S. %A Rochester, L.S. %A Rodriguez, A.Y. %A Romani, R.W. %A Roth, M. %A Russell, J.J. %A Ryde, F. %A Sabatini, S. %A Sadrosinski, H.F-W. %A Sanchez, D. %A Sander, A. %A Sapozhinkov, L. %A Saz Parkinson, P.M. %A Scargle, J.D. %A Schalk, T.L. %A Scolieri, G. %A Sgro, G. %A Share, G.H. %A Shaw, M. %A Shimokawabe, T. %A Shrader, C. %A Sierpowska-Bartosik, A. %A Siskind, E.J. %A Smith, D.A. %A Smith, P.D. %A Spandre, G. %A Spinelli, P. %A Starck, Jean-Luc %A Stephens, T. E. %A Strickman, M.S. %A Strong, A.W. %A Suson, D.J. %A Tajima, H. %A Takahashi, H. %A Takahashi, T. %A Tanaka, T. %A Tenze, A. %A Tether, S. %A Thayer, J.B. %A Thayer, J.G. %A Thompson, D.J. %A Tibaldo, L. %A Tibolla, O. %A Torres, D.F. %A Tosti, G. %A Tramacere, A. %A Turri, M. %A Usher, T.L. %A Vilchez, N. %A Vitale, V. %A Wang, P. %A Watters, K. %A Winer, B. L. %A Wood, K.S. %A Ylinen, T. %A Ziegler, M. %Z 40 pages, 7 tables, 33 figures, emulateapj.cls; submitted to The Astrophysical Journal %< avec comité de lecture %@ 0004-637X %J The Astrophysical Journal %I American Astronomical Society %V 697 %P 1071-1102 %8 2009-06-01 %D 2009 %Z 0902.1089 %R 10.1088/0004-637X/697/2/1071 %Z Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysic [astro-ph.IM] %Z Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena [astro-ph.HE]Journal articles %X (Abridged) The Large Area Telescope (Fermi/LAT, hereafter LAT), the primary instrument on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi) mission, is an imaging, wide field-of-view, high-energy gamma-ray telescope, covering the energy range from below 20 MeV to more than 300 GeV. This paper describes the LAT, its pre-flight expected performance, and summarizes the key science objectives that will be addressed. On-orbit performance will be presented in detail in a subsequent paper. The LAT is a pair-conversion telescope with a precision tracker and calorimeter, each consisting of a 4x4 array of 16 modules, a segmented anticoincidence detector that covers the tracker array, and a programmable trigger and data acquisition system. Each tracker module has a vertical stack of 18 x,y tracking planes, including two layers (x and y) of single-sided silicon strip detectors and high-Z converter material (tungsten) per tray. Every calorimeter module has 96 CsI(Tl) crystals, arranged in an 8 layer hodoscopic configuration with a total depth of 8.6 radiation lengths. The aspect ratio of the tracker (height/width) is 0.4 allowing a large field-of-view (2.4 sr). Data obtained with the LAT are intended to (i) permit rapid notification of high-energy gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and transients and facilitate monitoring of variable sources, (ii) yield an extensive catalog of several thousand high-energy sources obtained from an all-sky survey, (iii) measure spectra from 20 MeV to more than 50 GeV for several hundred sources, (iv) localize point sources to 0.3 - 2 arc minutes, (v) map and obtain spectra of extended sources such as SNRs, molecular clouds, and nearby galaxies, (vi) measure the diffuse isotropic gamma-ray background up to TeV energies, and (vii) explore the discovery space for dark matter. %G English %Z Fermi-LAT %L in2p3-00378934 %U https://in2p3.hal.science/in2p3-00378934 %~ IN2P3 %~ CEA %~ INSU %~ METEO %~ UNIV-PARIS7 %~ X %~ UNIV-TLSE3 %~ CENBG %~ LPTA %~ LLR %~ CNRS %~ UNIV-MONTP2 %~ CNES %~ OMP %~ OMP-CESR %~ X-LLR %~ X-DEP %~ X-DEP-PHYS %~ FRANCE-GRILLES %~ DSM-IRFU %~ IRFU-AIM %~ UNIV-MONTPELLIER %~ CEA-DRF %~ UNIV-PARIS %~ UP-SCIENCES %~ GS-PHYSIQUE %~ UNIV-UT3 %~ UT3-INP %~ UT3-TOULOUSEINP %~ UM1-UM2