%0 Journal Article %T Discovery of two candidate pulsar wind nebulae in very-high-energy gamma rays %+ Centre d'étude spatiale des rayonnements (CESR) %+ Laboratoire Univers et Théories (LUTH (UMR_8102)) %+ Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (LAOG) %+ Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR) %+ Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP) %+ APC - Astrophysique des Hautes Energies (APC - AHE) %+ AstroParticule et Cosmologie (APC (UMR_7164)) %+ Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Astroparticules (LPTA) %+ Département d'Astrophysique, de physique des Particules, de physique Nucléaire et de l'Instrumentation Associée (DAPNIA) %+ Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et de Hautes Énergies (LPNHE) %A Aharonian, F. %A G. Akhperjanian, A. %A R. Bazer-Bachi, A. %A Beilicke, M. %A Benbow, W. %A Berge, D. %A Bernlöhr, K. %A Boisson, C. %A Bolz, O. %A Borrel, V. %A Braun, I. %A Brion, E. %A M. Brown, A. %A Buhler, R. %A Busching, I. %A Boutelier, T. %A Carrigan, S. %A M. Chadwick, P. %A M. Chounet, L. %A Coignet, G. %A Cornils, R. %A Costamante, L. %A Degrange, B. %A J. Dickinson, H. %A Djannati-Ataï, A. %A O'Connor-Drury, L. %A Dubus, G. %A Egberts, K. %A Emmanoulopoulos, D. %A Espigat, P. %A Farnier, C. %A Feinstein, F. %A Ferrero, E. %A Fiasson, A. %A Fontaine, G. %A Funk, S. %A Fuling, M. %A Gallant, Y.A. %A Giebels, B. %A F. Glicenstein, J. %A Glück, B. %A Goret, P. %A Hadjichristidis, C. %A Hauser, D. %A Hauser, M. %A Heinzelmann, G. %A Henri, G. %A Hermann, G. %A A. Hinton, J. %A Hoffmann, A. %A Hofmann, W. %A Holleran, M. %A Hoppe, S. %A Horns, D. %A Jacholkowska, A. %A C. de Jager, O. %A Kendziorra, E. %A Kerschhaggl, M. %A Khelifi, B. %A Komin, N. %A Kosack, K. %A Lamanna, G. %A J. Latham, I. %A Le Gallou, R. %A Lemiere, A. %A Lemoine-Goumard, M. %A Lohse, T. %A M. Martin, J. %A Martineau-Huynh, O. %A Marcowith, A. %A Masterson, C. %A Maurin, G. %A J. L. Mccomb, T. %A Moulin, Emmanuel %A de Maurois, M. %A Nedbal, D. %A J. Nolan, S. %A Noutsos, A. %A P. Olive, J. %A J. Orford, K. %A L. Osborne, J. %A Panter, M. %A Pelletier, G. %A O. Petrucci, P. %A Pita, S. %A Pühlhofer, G. %A Punch, M. %A Ranchon, S. %A C. Raubenheimer, B. %A Raue, M. %A M. Rayner, S. %A Reimer, A. %A Reimer, O. %A Ripken, J. %A Rob, L. %A Rolland, L. %A Rosier-Lees, S. %A Rowell, G. %A V. Sahakian, V. %A Santangelo, A. %A Sauge, L. %A Schlenker, S. %A Schlickeiser, R. %A Schröder, R. %A Schwanke, U. %A Schwarzburg, S. %A Schwemmer, S. %A Shalchi, A. %A Sol, H. %A Spangler, D. %A Spanier, F. %A Steenkamp, R. %A Stegmann, C. %A Superina, G. %A H. Tam, P. %A P. Tavernet, J. %A Terrier, R. %A Tluczykont, M. %A van Eldik, C. %A Vasileiadis, G. %A Venter, C. %A P. Vialle, J. %A Vincent, P. %A J. Völk, H. %A J. Wagner, S. %A Ward, M. %< avec comité de lecture %Z APC-07-38;LPTA/07-22 %@ 0004-6361 %J Astronomy & Astrophysics - A&A %I EDP Sciences %V 472 %P 489-495 %8 2007 %D 2007 %Z 0705.1605 %Z 2007arXiv0705.1605H %R 10.1051/0004-6361:20077280 %Z Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Cosmology and Extra-Galactic Astrophysics [astro-ph.CO] %Z Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/Cosmology and Extra-Galactic Astrophysics [astro-ph.CO] %Z Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]Journal articles %X We present the discovery of two very-high-energy gamma-ray sources in an ongoing systematic search for emission above 100 GeV from pulsar wind nebulae in survey data from the H.E.S.S. telescope array. Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes are ideal tools for searching for extended emission from pulsar wind nebulae in the very-high-energy regime. H.E.S.S., with its large field of view of 5 degrees and high sensitivity, gives new prospects for the search for these objects. An ongoing systematic search for very-high-energy emission from energetic pulsars over the region of the Galactic plane between -60 degrees < l < 30 degrees, -2 degrees < b < 2 degrees is performed. For the resulting candidates, the standard H.E.S.S. analysis was applied and a search for multi-wavelength counterparts was performed. We present the discovery of two new candidate gamma-ray pulsar wind nebulae, HESS J1718-385 and HESS J1809-193. H.E.S.S. has proven to be a suitable instrument for pulsar wind nebula searches. %G English %Z HESS %L in2p3-00148471 %U https://in2p3.hal.science/in2p3-00148471 %~ IN2P3 %~ OBSPM %~ CEA %~ INSU %~ METEO %~ UNIV-PARIS7 %~ X %~ UNIV-SAVOIE %~ UPMC %~ UNIV-TLSE3 %~ UGA %~ LPTA %~ LAPP %~ LLR %~ LPNHE %~ APC %~ CNRS %~ UNIV-GRENOBLE1 %~ UNIV-MONTP2 %~ CNES %~ OSUG %~ LUTH %~ OMP %~ OMP-CESR %~ X-LLR %~ LAOG %~ X-DEP %~ X-DEP-PHYS %~ DSM-IRFU %~ IRFU-APC %~ PSL %~ UPMC_POLE_2 %~ UNIV-MONTPELLIER %~ CEA-DRF %~ SORBONNE-UNIVERSITE %~ SU-SCIENCES %~ UNIV-PARIS %~ UP-SCIENCES %~ OBSPM-PSL %~ USMB-COMUE %~ SU-TI %~ ALLIANCE-SU %~ UNIV-UT3 %~ UT3-INP %~ UT3-TOULOUSEINP %~ UM1-UM2 %~ LPNHE-2 %~ TEST-SEBASTIEN3