Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2006

The relevance of virtual electroweak effects in the overall $t$-channel single top production at LHC


We compute the complete one loop electroweak effects in the MSSM for the eight processes of single top (and single antitop) production in the $t$-channel at hadron colliders, generalizing a previous analysis performed for the dominant $dt$ final state. The results are quite similar for all processes, showing an impressively large Standard Model effect and a generally modest genuine SUSY contribution in the mSUGRA scenario. The one loop effect on the total rate is shown and the possibility of measuring it at LHC is discussed.

Dates and versions

in2p3-00118831 , version 1 (06-12-2006)



M. Beccaria, G. Macorini, F.M. Renard, C. Verzegnassi. The relevance of virtual electroweak effects in the overall $t$-channel single top production at LHC. 2006. ⟨in2p3-00118831⟩
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