Better considering psychosocial risks in agriculture: presentation of a French report
Agriculture is poorly integrated into the analysis of working conditions. Even though French agricultural social security system is innovative compared with other sectors because farmers are covered, it does not in itself result in equal coverage. E.g. when it comes to psychosocial risks (PSR), the issue of compensation is different for farmers and employees, and the question of suicides arises in this context.
PSR in agriculture exist and are a reality that still needs to be better understood. A better visibility and objectivization in the major surveys is needed, i.e. “making visible what is not visible.” Furthermore, under-reporting leads to a lack of recognition and compensation for victims and families. This issue concerns recognition of the impact of agricultural work on health, over and above the economic issues that are often put forward, such as economic difficulties and job insecurity. Another is not daring to talk about suicide or depression and going beyond information and awareness-raising.
Improving the way PSR are addressed in agriculture also means providing the means to talk about it, particularly suicide and depression. Educational approach is a key and goes hand in hand with and facilitates better assessment, and improve prevention or compensation process when prevention did not work.
The report makes recommendations to address these complex issues, divided into three parts: make working conditions of famers and employees more visible in surveys; improve the way in which the impact of PSR on health is considered as occupational accidents and diseases; emphasis prevention of PSR for employees as well as farmers.