Bibliographie - PERRY (Mark) (ed.). - Global Governance of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century. Reflecting Policy Through Change / ALEMANNO (Alberto), BONADIO (Enrico) (eds). - The New Intellectual Property of Health. Beyond Plain Packaging / LEEPUENGTHAM (Tosaporn). - The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Outer Space Activities / RUZEK (Vincent). - Communautarisation et mondialisation du droit de la propriété intellectuelle
La Haye : Springer, 2016. - 242 p. - ISBN : 9783319311760 / Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016. - 384 p. - ISBN : 9781784718787 / Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017. - 256 p. - EAN : 9781785369612 / Paris : Institut universitaire Varenne, 2016. - 708 p. - ISBN : 9782370320896