Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2006

Governance and Migration in a South-North Partnership : the Teaching of Economic Analysis


The aim of this paper is to study the relation between governance and migration in the case of a South-North partnership, using the tools of economic analysis. We will analyse both the governance of migratory phenomenon (i.e. the control of South-North migration, as much as the control of rural-urban or internal migration) and the consequences of internal and/or international migrations on a broader problem which is the compatibility of economic liberalization, political stability and other objectives which are pursued by governments (such as avoiding the deterioration of social capital, or a social dumping). In a first section we develop an original Harris-Todaro model in order to resolve the question of the compatibility of different policies. In a second section we will consider four possibilities to enrich the Harris-Todaro model, which are to take into account the cost of migration, the attitude toward risk, the relative deprivation hypothesis, and the relation between migration and social capital. In each case, our attention will be focused on the policy recommendations we can formulate as a result of every approach.
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halshs-00069186 , version 1 (16-05-2006)


  • HAL Id : halshs-00069186 , version 1


Thierry Baudassé. Governance and Migration in a South-North Partnership : the Teaching of Economic Analysis. 2006. ⟨halshs-00069186⟩
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